Survey Participants Needed for online study:
Green panic or a planet in peril: How are you coping?
I'm pleased to share that I am on the path to becoming a registered psychologist, and I believe these skills will complement my art therapy practice. As part of my psychology training, I am currently conducting research on a topic close to my heart: the environment.
If you would like to participate in the study, you can do so by following this link.
Once the study is complete, I will post the results here, so be sure to bookmark this page!
If you have any questions about the study or would like to receive a copy of the results via email, please contact me.
Exploring an Art Therapist's Online Identity
When completing my Master of Art Therapy, for my final creative research methods project I explored the complex area of online identity for art therapists (who are often both therapists and artists who exhibit publically). You can see more about the project and its findings here.